Saturday, February 2, 2019

Well hello new blog.....

This will be an opportunity for my own musings about my favorite hobby - Warmachine.  Those reading know what it is, those that don't are missing out the sheer fun of pushing around little metal men and singing "Lola" with kids 20 years younger than you asking who the hell are the Kinks.

But I digress.

Figured today was as good as any day to start this since it is a "casual" steamroller and I wanted to try new stuff out.  I am on a BIT (understatement) of a losing streak in my meta - which is, for good or ill, extremely competitive fielding 2 ATC teams and really only S teir lists.  But hey, makes me a better player (yeah right)

Today it is about trying out the new tastiness of the Wolves theme.  My list pair

The Vlad2 list has been something I have been playing for a while.  I am going to try something a bit different with it today - going second (with one exception)  if I win the roll and really working for scenario presence.  That way I can deploy smartly - using the shocks to screen in the most efficient way.  What I have found with the classic "1 of each" lists is that the focus is to attack you where the shocks are not.  So, for example, we have a Skorne Player who LOVES sending Tibbers or Molik Karn in as a missile to wreck havoc.  Well he is more than welcome to do that into tough (or retailating) no knockdown shocks when the demos are there to clean up afterwards...or the Victor.  What I can't do is let this happen into the squishy stuff without exacting a good trade.

Z1 is there for fun and learning.  I have taken her out for a few spins in the past but this will be the second game with her in the new theme and with 10 point doomies.  The idea is to play almost entirely for scenario presence - using the doomie pressure to get up the board to jam and require resources to clear out the clouds to push to the doomies behind.  Since my goal for today is simply to get practice against the sharks I probably will drop her most games.

I expect to see at least 2 Crucible Guard and 2 Circle players.   Into everything but Gearheart I like Z1 because of all the fun she can do on feat turn.  Gotta make it count (a lot) both on the turn itself but more importantly the turn after when you really need to be clearing and hurting stuff after the time walk.  The pair is less solid into Circle (and probably why Irusk2 really should be here) to deal with Wormwood.  That said - I learned a key lesson against Woormie my last SR against him - put the bombers central and then if Worm commits go Arcane might, HoF, and Feat.  Walk 9 through the forest and hopefully start the chain saws up.  At the VERY least the threat of that keeps him honest.  Z1 is also a possibility here - gotta be smart about the twig men to avoid hell mouths clearing out way too many doomies on the cheap.   But the 12 inch stealth ignoring Hex blast AND no orders AND no shooting should allow her to do something interesting on feat turn to put pressure on him.  

So that is the plan.  Next post will be a recap and some lessons learned (I always do ;-)

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